As part of its periodic updating, the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) made significant changes in the eligibility requirements for foreign workers who are planning to bring in family members by applying for a Dependant’s Pass or a Long Term Visit Pass.
Foreign workers must have a S$5,000 fixed monthly compensation to sponsor spouse or children, a 25 percent increase from the S$4,000 prerequisite that is currently being implemented by the Ministry.
Employment Pass holders who are looking to sponsor parents must have a fixed monthly income of S$10,000, a 20 percent increase from the S$8,000 salary currently required by MOM. The following changes will be implemented starting September 1st of this year.
In the public advisory posted on its website, the Ministry cited that the decision to implement the increase in salary cap seeks to make sure that foreign workers with sponsored family members are able to fully support them. “MOM has reviewed the qualifying salary criteria for work pass holders to sponsor dependants. This is to ensure that sponsors are able to upkeep their dependants in Singapore.”
According to MOM, the change will not affect those who have applied for a Dependant’s Pass or Long Term Visit Pass before the scheduled effective date. The assessment for Dependant’s Pass applications for spouse or children as well as Long Term Visit Pass applications for parents that were submitted before the 1st of September will be based according to the current salary criteria.
Similarly, applications for renewal of Dependant’s Pass or Long Term Visit Pass that were approved and issued prior to September 1 will be based according to the current salary criteria as long as the main pass holder is still working for the same employer.